Custom Order - Meagan Louise
Then thinkikng the bottom three have an acrylic element like this style.
The # one is more unusual. Babys nickname is Clive (random long story) and our motto since starting IVF has been #clivevibes so thought it would be fitting.
Thinking for the #clivevibes one we incorporate the same leaves from the first set you did for me instead of the rainbow
- Today I am going home
- I am a fighter
- Small but mighty
- I am wire free
- Today my feeding tube was removed
- First Mummy cuddles
- First Daddy cuddles
- Today I had my first breastfeed
- Today was a great day
- I am breathing by myself
- Today I had my first bath
- Today I wore my first outfit
- I doubled my birth weight
- I had a test today
- My first sleep in an open cot
- Today I tried caffeine for the first time